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Foodservice Australia 2019

Foodservice Australia 2019 was held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre on 23-25th June. Over the three days there were a series of free worskhops as well as industry leaders that spoke about the foodservice industry and catering in Australia, particularly in the aged care area.

The exhibitors were from various backgrounds ranging from café owners, chefs and suppliers. Among the suppliers we saw food and beverage suppliers such as coffee bean roasters, honey, meats and dairy, as well as equipment suppliers such as ovens, cookers, freezers and other systems required in commercial kitchens.


An interesting find was the focus on sustainable food and it’s packaging. Many stalls showcased bio-degradable packaging for the restaurant and cafe industry, including paper straws and boxes. A shift in focus from plastic to recycled paper is promoted to a great degree by multiple establishments around the country. By doing this, they aim to reduce their carbon footprint and in-turn the impact on the planet. It has been said that sustainable packaging has also played a significant role in customer satisfaction, owing to the awareness among patrons.


By doing our part, we at UPD are advocates of sustainable packaging and can advise on the best methods of practice, including:
– Choosing the right recyclable materials
– Using natural inks that are soy and vegetable based
– Reduce wastage through preserving materials

These can not only be beneficial on a cost level, but also complement other environmental initiatives which includes the wider approach of a business, such as saving water, electricity and minimizing food waste, among others.
